Saturday's Talk : Hey, its okay

Saturday Talk: It's okay
Most times we do some things and we wonder "omg, is that okay?", " should I apologise " and most times this are things we cannot help ourselves from, this are things that feel right to us
Do you know that's it's okay
To sometimes daydream about being a super model strutting your stuff on the runway
To order a Third drink because the bartender is cute
To Immediately delete your Bff's ex boyfriend from your BBM as soon as they break up. Hello you never liked him anyway
To stay at home on Friday night to watch t.v
To love your boyfriend / girlfriend Unconditionally and still check out other guys / girls. That doesn't count as cheating, besides he does it to
To un-tag photos of yourself on Facebook and Instagram that you look like crap in
To repeat favourite outfit twice in a week because you're to do a different place and you're seeing different people
To use " you are only young once" as an excuse to go out on a Wednesday
To have zero interest in Facebook, Instagram and twitter. Hey who needs the extra distractions?
To think "i'm waaaay prettier that her " when you see your Boyfreind's ex. Thats not Vain, you really are
To cut out of the Gym 30 minutes earlier dammn it, you're tired
To say no to a second date because he left a horrible tip, who needs a stingy guy
To pretend to text when you walk by someone you vaguely know and don't want to talk to
To wear your bodycon bra less because well bras are overrated
To say yes to the not as rich as you want guy because money isn't everything
To cry, yell and let it all out because you're human
To make the same mistake twice
To fail, fail, fail and fail again
It's okay to be you. It's very important to do you and be very yery happy

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:) Happy weekend


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