To Love And To Hold 2
To Love And To Hold 2 |
I find an empty chair at the far end of the room , I walk toward it and sit close to the most beautiful girl in the world, I try to smile at her but the nasty look on her face is telling me to mind my business and sit down, I sit down with my chin resting on my hand wondering if I stand a chance at all with all this girls.
"I have no chance at all" I say to myself a little too loud, the girl beside me notice and shot me a "respect yourself look"
" hey you, come here please" a man says with an authoritative voice that is so frightening, I look up and notice he is pointing at me
"Me?" I ask pointing at myself, he probably thinks I'm a cleaner or something
"I'm here for the audition, I am not a cle....." I try to say but he walks away into a room before I could even finish, the girls chuckle and I hiss and walk into the room he walked into.
I enter the room and everybody in it is in suit, they all look like men except for one, I'm not sure she is a man but I'm not sure she is a woman either .
I swallow hard and say a quick prayer
"Good morning " I greet bowing my head a little, I laugh inside me at my nervousness
The woman-like man raises her head and leans back on her chair
'wow, she is a woman' I say to myself
" can you rock a baby to bed?" she asks with rolling her pen in her hand
The thing about me is when I am nervous I notice everything and I lose everything called sense in my head
" it depends if it's a real baby" I answer, I shake my head realising my stupid answer
"What do you mean real baby? Do people rock fake babies to bed"? A light skinned man ask
"How old are you sef?" another man adds
" I was thinking it was a movie audition and we were going to use a fake baby or something " I answer
"I'm 24 " I quickly add before they throw me out the window
The woman sighs and turns to the man who brought me in
"Why did you bring her in please? "
" she was the only responsible looking person out there " he answers looking at me pitifully
"Let me have your form" she says, I hand it over and stand there, scared to breathe and pretend to be invisible while they are going through the form
"I don't know how much I can hold my breath o, this people should answer " I think to myself
After few minutes and I have probably turned purple by now, she asks if I can keep secrets
"What now? Am I going to be a spy?" I say to myself
"Yes I can" I answer finally breathing
"Hmmmmmn" was the only reply I got
"Can I actually keep secrets" I think to myself, I remember in uni how everybody used to call me mamadee because I always had juicy stories about everybody, "no I cannot keep secrets o" I murmur inaudibly
"OK, sign here, you are going to be working for Akin Lewis, he has a new baby and he needs a baby sitter"l, you're going to have to move in with him, although he is out of the country right and won't be back for months " the man who brought me in says
Akin Lewis!!! My heart is doing flips right now, not that I am a fan but I'm going to be working for a famous actor!! .
"You cannot even take care of yourself, now a baby? " deola says as she helps me pack
"I can learn, how hard can it be, the baby is 9months already " I say beaming with happiness
Deola pulls me in for a hug and we stay there for minutes
" just be fine, derin, get your life back and be fine " she says threatening to cry
"No crying oo, madam waterfall" I say zipping my last bag.
"Thank you for everything deola, you're more than a friend " I say putting my last bag in the taxi boot .
" i love you " she says as the taxi zooms off
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